young couple holding each other with luggae in front of their home, moving in together, article cover graphic

Moving in with your partner

You and your significant other are ready to take the next step in your relationship – but before engagement, you need to know what it’s like living with each other. Here are some things to keep in mind if this will be a new experience for you. Personal space! Everyone needs a little area to…

man packing his home office into moving boxes, article cover graphic

Moving your home office

If you work from home, having your home office functional is crucial, and the downtime between transitioning can be detrimental to your career. Here are some tips to help you reduce your downtime. Proper planning. Give as much notice to your coworkers or clients as possible that you will be “out of the office” during…

family moving with boxes into a new home on a clear day, article cover graphic

Moving tips for weather conditions

Often overlooked when planning your move is what will the weather conditions be on the day? Sometimes we forget to think about it, other times, it’s just not easy to predict even with preliminary forecasts. Once the day is set, there may not be any wiggle room to reschedule and you will be bound for…

packed boxes and wrapped furniture ready for a move, article cover graphic

Moving supplies you will need

If you’re preparing for a move, you will get t the stage where you need to start gathering supplies. Usually, your moving company will assist you with the bulk of what you need, but just in case, here are some things to consider to prepare you for the big day. Moving boxes! Obvious right? But…

man hurt, holding his leg during a move, article cover graphic

Moving safety tips

Moving can be a strenuous evolution with a variety of hazards if you are not careful or do not use the appropriate safety equipment. Here are some tips on how you can prepare and observe safety throughout your move. Drink lots of water! With all the physical activity of the day, you are bound to…

movers loading a truck with boxes, article cover graphic

Loading order for a move

Load order can be the difference between a relatively smooth evolution into your new home and a stressful headache. Here are some tips to consider when loading your truck with belongings from your old home. First, you need to realize the rules of safety for the kind of container you are loading into. If is…

woman with cleaning gloves, ready to wipe down a room while moving, article cover graphic

Cleaning after a move

Your old home is empty but before you say goodbye, you want to do one last clean-up so you can increase the likelihood you will get your security deposit back, or perhaps just want your last memory of your old home to be spotless like the day you moved in. Whatever the case may be,…